
I’ve always loved writing, so finally being able to publish my stories is a dream come true. I’ve so far focused on short stories, with my solo collection, Phantasmias, and a collaborative eBook, Fantasy Unbound, currently available.

Upcoming projects include more short stories and a series of novels!


Editing is still my day job and, with more than a decade of experience in publishing, I still freelance for any project from novels to comics.

Whether you need a first draft assessment or a final proofread, you have my expertise on your publishing adventure!


The Scribe Cat Scribbles blog is where you’ll find updates, glimpses into my writing process, editing advice, and reviews of books I’ve worked on or read…and, of course, photos of my cat Alice as she “helps” me work.

Quick links:
My Book News | Edited Works | Articles

Follow Along on Instagram @Scribe_Cat